Saturday, January 9, 2016 - Find Your Lost iPhone - Crime Watch

Woman's stolen iPhone ends up on eBay; buyer calls her after he can't unlock it

CLEVELAND - The iPhone of one of our viewers goes missing. You're probably thinking, “Who hasn't lost their phones, right?”

But this story has several twists and turns that involve a big-time company.
Missy Rodia lost her phone in September. 

She was in downtown Cleveland, forgot her iPhone 6 on a bench and went back later, but it was gone.

"I kept trying and trying and trying to call it and never got any answer,” said Rodia. "It’s a sinking feeling … somebody has my phone."

Rodia got a new iPhone and went on with life until about 10 days ago.  

That's when she got an email from Randall Murry in Lufkin, Tex. saying, "I think I have your iPhone."


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