Thursday, September 10, 2015 - How to Find Lost iPhone, Android

how to find lost cell phone new york
Consider this........

What price would you pay to safeguard your personal information? Although we can't guarantee your personal information would be 100% protected we do our best to make sure your phone along with all the information is returned to you. Many of us forget to back up our devices or save our information on the cloud so getting your phone returned with all your digital memories is priceless.

Why not just insure your phone? 
On average you would have to pay a deductible fee of $175-200 from any of the top phone carriers plus monthly fees that can add up over the course of your phones life.

"If anyone is promising you "no deductible" on your phone insurance claims, they're probably stretching the truth. A lot. Most such services actually hide behind the term "administrative fee" (for example, ProtectCell). Yes, there's no deductible as part of your plan as far as the wording of the policy is concerned, but oh wait, there is a $150 "administrative fee" you're going to have to pay if you make a claim. And it goes up to $200 if you make a second or third claim. You know, for all those expenses incurred administering your policy. Right”-

One of the biggest 3rd third party company’s doesn't even cover theft or loss phones. You would think that losing your phone is a possibility; so why not cover it? Not to mention all the fine print that you have to read to see what the policy actually covers.

With PhoneAngel you only pay for what you receive, there's no " just in case fee". Planning ahead with PhoneAngel is cost saving and rewarding. You are entitled to what's yours and we're here to maintain that balance.

Sign up today:

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